I introduce Vampire goods that I have which was sold in Japan in this page. I am sorry. I can be only partly introduced. (Photo by Aki Mizusawa)
My auction : WANTED AUCTION ! Yahoo! Japan auction ebay
If you found your wanted item in Japanese auction, please e-mail me.
Woefully Incomplete List
goods on the market
Action real hero series Vampire saiver
Beauty Fighters Collection CAPCOM Queens
CAPCOM Real figure colection Vampire saiver All sell items list
Vampire savior Trading Card Game
Vampire savior Trading Card Game VOL.2
SNK vs Capcom
Card Fighters Clash! VERSUS TCG CAPCOM Edition
Goods for the Game show
Pewter tableware (with the family crest of the Aensland)
Giveaway of game
Pins of Vampire savior
Giveaway of anime
Pins of Vampire hunter
Giveaway of sweet
Prize for the amusement machine
Vampier Hunter Rubber Key holder
Capcom characters
Capcom characters figure collection
Capcom pocketfighter figure key holder
SNK vs CAPCOM Twin figure key chain
SNK vs CAPCOM pocket figure vs2
Capcom characters Xmas Santa girls figure
CAPCOM VS. ALL SNK figure mascot
Capcom characters summer paradise figure
Capcom characters present figure collection
Capcom characters jigsaw figure Valentine version
At least, I hope you e-mail me before you post it .